Cultura, símbols i Jocs Olímpics: la mediació de la comunicació
Miquel de Moragas i Spà
“In this book, Miquel de Moragas, Professor of Communication Theory at the UAB, Director of the CEO-UAB and Advisor to the Catalan Communication Research Centre (CEDIC), analyses the communication and cultural aspects of modern Olympic Games, with more specific reference to the Barcelona92 experience.
Olympic symbology is related to the social values and uses of spectacle sport. He also analyses the cultural dimensions of the Olympic Games and the media’s impact on the production and dissemination of values and counter values.
With this book, the CEDIC aims to contribute to academic and social debate on the communication and cultural impact on Catalonia of hosting the 1992 Olympic Games.”
Table of Contents:
- Introduction: The Olympic Games as a Cultural Phenomenon
- The Olympic Games, Culture and Public Opinion
- The Olympic Games and the Culture of the Host Community
- Barcelona92: A Huge Network of Information Production
- Olympic Ceremonies
- International Media and their Protagonism
- Bibliography