Lamartine DaCosta
International Chair in Olympism. Invited professor 2004
Lamartine DaCosta is teacher of history of the sport at the University Gama Filho of Brazil and vice president of the Brazilian Olympic Academy. He collaborates with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the Trim and Fitness International Sport for All Association (TAFISA) and member of the IOC Olympic Studies Centre Research Council. One of his main areas of study is the philosophical, educational and cultural aspects of the sport and the Olympic Movement.
Dr. DaCosta was appointed as visiting professor of the International Chair in Olympism in 2004. During his stay in the CEO-UAB, from the 1st to the 13th November 2004, his activities focused on the Olympic Movement, the sport and the culture, as well as the educational values of the sport. The program of activities included a lecture on The Educational Values of the Sport, and university seminars of multiculturality and sport.