Miquel Gómez Benosa
CEO-UAB General Coordinator
Degree in Communication Sciences (UAB). He has worked in the press, television and other media, and has taken part in image and communication policy consultancy assignments and signed projects for a number of different public organisations and private companies, one of the most significant ones being the signs for the Barcelona’92 Olympic Games.
Among the publications that he has coordinated are the books The Keys to Success: the social, sporting, economic and communications impact of Barcelona’92 (1995), Barcelona: l’herència dels Jocs 1992-2002 (2002) and Multicultural Sport (2008), the last one being for the photojournalism exhibition “Immigration: A New Cultural View of Sport”. He was the curator of the exhibition “Sport and Citizenship Building” (2008). Since 1995, he has been the General Coordinator of the Olympic Studies Centre (CEO-UAB) and the Communication Institute (InCom-UAB).