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As part of the activity line started in the field of olympic education in 2006 with the International Olympic Committee, CEO-UAB promotes a project to create educational content on sporting values to be applied in the Catalan educational context, in collaboration with the Catalan Sports Council.

The project, led by Dr. Maria Prat and with a multidisciplinary team of experts from various Catalan universities, aims to promote innovative projects through the design of educational material for schools in Catalonia. As a result of this collaboration, the team is working on creating a website that offers interdisciplinary educational activities and proposals and a design tailored to the students of Primary and Secondary Education.

More on the research line

CEO-UAB, commissioned by the International Olympic Committee, developed a research project during the period 2006/2008 and 2001/12 to support the creation of a database on olympic education, a third pillar of the Olympic Values Educational Project (OVEP). As a result of the project, CEO-UAB has provided the IOC with information on those organisations within the Olympic Movement working in the field of Olympic education, an analysis of 300 educational activities and a report on the historical evolution of the educational programmes promoted by the organising committee for the Olympic Games.

Later, in 2015, CEO-UAB concluded the Catalan edition of the Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) manual produced by the IOC, as result of an agreement with the IOC managers to edit the manual in Catalan to facilitate access to the teaching staff of schools in Catalonia to promote the Olympic values and sport among students from 8 to 18 years. The translation of the contents was done through the internship program of students of the UAB Faculty of Translation, and with the support of the Catalan Sports Council.

Digital learning resources

Valors en Jocs

Valors en Joc is an educational proposal that promotes reflection and a critical spirit on the values and practice of physical and sporting activities. It delves into social-interest topics that often are not addressed in the formal school curriculum. It offers teachers and professors proposals and teaching materials for boys and girls ages 10 to 16.

Educar en valors. Manual per una educació olímpica


The Catalan edition of the International Olympic Committee‘s Teaching Values: an olympic education kit is available for the entire educational community in Catalonia, thanks to the support of …


Meet the team members

Maria Prat Grau

Senior lecturer of the Department of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB


Carles Ventura Vall.Llovera
Professor Titular de Psicologia de l’Activitat Física i l’Esport a l’INEFC de Barcelona-UB.
Llicenciat en EF i Psicologia. Doctor per la Universitat de Barcelona

Susanna Soler Prat
Professora titular de l’INEFC Centre de Barcelona
Llicenciada en EF i en Història. Doctora en Activitat Física i Esport

Gonzalo Flores Aguilar
Professor Associat UAB, UB i UVic
Llicenciat en EF i Diplomat en EF. Doctor en Didàctica de l’Educació Fisica, les Arts visuals, la Música i la veu, per la UAB

Anna Santamaria Font
Directora de Lleure Graduada en Educació Primària. Menció EF.
Master de Recerca en Educació