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The CEO-UAB participated in an international research project on the values ​​associated with the Olympic Games in 2013-14. The project Olympic Idea – Nowadays was led by the Institute für Sportwissenchaft Mainz and in addition to the CEO-UAB, the Gama Filho University of Rio de Janeiro and the Technisque Universität München participated as partners.

Olympic values ​​are the differential element of the Olympic Movement; and these are dynamic values, subject to rapid changes today. Understanding the structure of values ​​from a stakeholder’s perspective is necessary for all institutions linked to Olympism and the Olympic Games.

Through this academic project, the structure of values ​​that are implicitly and explicitly associated to the Olympic Games was analysed to identify what values ​​are threatened today, what values ​​have changed or remain constant over time.

In the first phase of the project, the identification of the core Olympic values, CEO-UAB collaborated in a call to academics and researchers from all over the world to contribute with their reflection on the subject, and in undertaking a literature review, especially based on the expertise as collaborators in the IOC Olympic Values ​​Educational Program (OVEP) project.

In phase 2, CEO-UAB planned the interview’s qualitative analysis and the revision of transcripts. Finally, the CEO-UAB was responsible for the final edition and layout of the project publication.

Project book

Olympic Idea Nowadays : perceptions and insights

Emilio Fernandez Peña, Holger Preuss and Lamartine DaCosta (orgs.); Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Xavier Ramon and Ana Miragaya (eds.)


The book Olympic Idea Nowadays : perceptions and insights offers a vision of the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games in relation to the Olympic values system …


CEO-UAB Team members

Xavier Ramon Vegas

Visiting lecturer, Department of Communication of Pompeu Fabra University


Berta Cerezuela

Head of Projects and the Documentation Service
